Restoring your environment
Beside nature itself, the environment actually includes anything that surrounds you; it’s your town, your neighborhood, your place. The environment is you, and you deserve the best. Thanks to scientific innovations, we are now able to count on eco-friendly solutions to minimize impact on the environment, which leads to human well-being
in change
If you are looking for information and initiatives in the enterprising community, we have good news! A part of the tourism industry has made a great start: by investing in restoration and cement-free materials, a number of hotel businesses took hospitality to a whole new level. Breath Inn gives you the opportunity to find more about this effort and embrace it! Behind those initiatives there are people like you; people who thirst for knowledge and information that would optimize our living, looking for solutions and not for excuses. Join us to catch up with each other, to share our stories. Because when you believe in people, change is a matter of time.
Get some
Apart from making resolutions and taking initiatives, we also need a safe way to route our actions, which is by taking one step at a time! Together, we can figure out the steps that will bring us closer to: Creating without destroying Preserving our culture and heritage Not only finding solutions, but actually applying them Investing in those who learn, and those who wish to learn Being connected with nature and tradition Sharing and spreading the knowledge
Give a chance to change and join us!

Greece’s natural elements, the wealth of history, culture, tradition and scenery are definitely our legacy. The potential of Greece owing to its strategic position, traditions, the combination of sunlight and air, as valuable sources of life, and Mediterranean climate motivates all professionals to produce an exquisite outcome. Breath Inn community exists, and it’s about sharing information and promoting an eco-friendly way to enjoy and preserve our beloved heritage. An interactive forum that equally gratifies both professional and informational needs. Tourist, architects, engineers, hotel and house owners, suppliers and other professionals frame the community, which also functions as a network system.

If you are looking for new opportunities in the enterprising community then Breath Inn is the perfect place for you! If you want to invest into a green business idea through buildings or you may want to find a preserved building in Greece and refurbish it, then Breath Inn can help you fulfill your vision, no matter what motivates you or who you are, a professional or simply an eco-enthusiast. We are looking for collaborations with people who are eager to create something original and innovative. People who believe that buildings narrate their own stories and that it is important to cherish them and preserve them in the best possible way.

Since the last few years, professionals in different fields, including architects, engineers and investors, have adopted a greener work approach. We support their efforts, by providing customized consulting services in all the stages of the completion of their idea. Management system development like development and implementation of business plans, reports from the initial steps to project management during and into the final steps. We do not wish to just formally consult, but we want to be part of the project, grasp it’s needs, and adapt the research and analysis based on the process and progress. For each project we create an appropriate team through our staff of PRs, business consultants, business developers, finance experts, legal advisers etc., in order to successfully create a holistic business consulting experience.
Change your life
Changing our lives is not as accurate a word as optimizing them. Eco planning initiatives promise to upgrade our homes, our buildings and our lives, provide us a worth living space and an evergreen environment. Breath-Inn attempts to encourage such initiatives so that we benefit in multiple levels: attract investors, tourists, and move towards a healthy economy that only produces opportunities!
of your area.
Imagine a community that cares about the environment, about building new and old for the people living in them elder and youngster. This community exists, and it’s about sharing information, promoting an eco-friendly way to enjoy and preserve our beloved towns. An interactive forum that equally gratifies both professional and informational needs. You might be into hotel business, you might be an architect, an engineer or you might just want your home or the buildings surrounds you to rebirth; No matter your motives, the only thing you need to do is to take a deep… Breath-inn.

Plain member
Is green architecture, sustainable urban planning or reshaping areas, parts of your secret passions list? Do you enjoy an alternative travel and accommodation experience? In any case, you’re a potential Breath-Inner, and you’re welcome! Show here your interest to join the community and get informed about experiences, traveling, actions, new technologies and business projects that went green! All you have to do, is stay tuned!

Professional member
Are you a professional in the construction field, thinking about making your business compatible with the ecological needs? Have you already run a number of “green” projects? We are here to support your choices, to help you reform or even to start up your whole new, eco-based business! Join the Breath Inn group and our effort to build a community that connects the professionals with the investors in the most creative way! Future is green, and it’s in our hands!